(11/30/2011) Gov. Christie Aims to Offer Non-Violent Drug Offenders Treatment & Counselors, Not Send Them To Prison (Read More)
(11/16/2011) 650 Non-Union Port Authority Employees Trade Vacation Days for More Than 2m in Extra Pay (Read More)
(11/9/2011) 2011 Election Results (Read More)
(11/9/2011) Gov. Christie's Efforts to Boost GOP's Chances in Legislative Elections Fall Short (Read More)
(11/8/2011) The Polls are Open - Come Out and VOTE (Read More)
(11/1/2011) IMPORTANT: Nominations for all Executive Board positions will be held at next Tuesday's (November 8, 2011) membership meeting. Reminder: The meeting begins at 6:30pm.
(10/31/2011) NJ Residents Can Still Vote by Mail-In ballot in Upcoming Election (Read More)
(10/25/2011) Christie's Overhaul May Not Save NJ Pension System (Read More)
(10/24/2011) Chris Christie Slams Healthcare reform as "A Government Takeover of Healthcare" (Read More)
(10/7/2011) NJ Public Employees Paying More For Benefits (Read More)
(10/7/2011) Legislative District 19 (Read More)
(10/7/2011) NJ Health Insurance Costs Among Highest in the Nation (Read More)
(9/14/2011) Administration Requests Plans to Privatize Liberty State Park (Read More)
(8/24/2011) NJ Against Re-Election of Gov. Christie in 2013 (Read More)
(8/23/2011) When Gov. Christie Signs Marching Orders, Few GOP Legislatures Step Out Of Line (Read More)
(8/18/2011) Reversing Course, Officials in NJ Cancel one-bid Immigrant Jail Decal (Read More)
(8/18/2011) NJ Union Representatives Are 'dragging their feet' on Developing New Health Plans, Gov. Christie said... (Read More)
(8/18/2011) Lawmen's Open House (Click link for Details)
(8/17/2011) NJ Supreme Court Won't Rush to Hear Superior Court Judge's Challenge of Pension Overhaul (Read More)
(8/17/2011) Essex County Signs New 5-Year Agreement that could Increase Number of Immigrant Detainees Generate $50M Annually (Read More)
(8/16/2011) Web of Funding & Influence Shrouds Essex County Jail Bid (Read More)
(8/10/2011) Facebook is Asked To Take Down California Inmate Pages (Read More)
(8/9/2011) Stephen Sweeney, Sheila Oliver Denied Endorsement by NJ Largest Teachers Union (Read More)
(7/29/2011) Norway Massacre Suspect Anders Behring Breivik's Potential Prison Equipped w/ Family Luxuries (Read More)
(7/26/2011) Lower Alloways Creek Township, Police Department Reach 3 year Contract Deal (Read More)
(7/26/2011) NJ Judge Files Lawsuit Against New Pension and Health Benefit Increases for Public Workers (Read More)
(7/26/2011) NJ Owes Thousands of Correction Officers Back Pay, Judge Rules (Read More)
(7/12/2011) Most Departments Will Likely Test Officers for Steroids (Read More)
(7/12/2011) NJ Prisoners Cost More Than Princeton Students (Read More)
(7/7/2011) It's Time for Christie to Share the Sacrafice (Read More)
(7/5/2011) Mulligan to Sweeney, Now let's rid the system of part-timers (Read More)
(7/1/2011) NJ Constitution Aids Effort to Cut Pensions, Benefits (Read More)
(6/29/2011) Governor Christie, Public Employee Unions Hold @ Odds a Bargaining Progress (Read More)
(6/26/2011) NJ Assembly Passes Landmark Employee Benefits Overhaul (Read More)
(6/23/2011) Former NJ Dept of Corrections Official Pleads 'Not Guilty' to Charges of Bribery, (Read More)
(6/22/2011) Senate Approves Pension, Healthcare Reform Bill (Read More)
(6/21/2011) Under Sweeney's Leadership, Senate approves Seminal Public Employee Benefit Reform (Read More)
(6/20/2011) State Troopers Control State Workers at NJ State House (See More)
(6/20/2011) Sweeney Says He Will Loosen Provisions of Benefits Bill That Would Prevent NJ Public Workers From Getting Out-Of-State Treatment (Read More)
(6/20//2011) Senate President Stephen Sweeney Explains Pension Reform Bill to Committee (Read More)
(6/14/2011) Important Information Pertaining to your HEALTHCARE & PENSION (Read More)
(6/13/2011) SAVE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING (Labor Unity Day - June 16th)! Support the battle to Stop Governor Christie and Senate President Sweeney's proposed changes to our Pension and Healthcare! If you are able to attend, we encourage you to do so. However, at this time we are not asking anyone to take the day off from work to participate. We encourage our members to spread the word and refer anyone interested to the attached flier for details.
The NJSOA is in full support of this event to save collective bargaining!
(6/1/2011) More Lawmakers Opposed to Forcing NJ Workers to Pay More for Health Benefits through Legislation (Read More)
(5/20/2011) N.J. Workers, Firms Benefit From Paid Sick Leave (Read More)
(5/20/2011) NJ Public Employees Convicted of Misconduct Must Forfeit Pension Accrued at time of Crime (Read More).
5/20/2011 Private Prisons Found to Offer Little in Savings (Read More)
(5/17/2011) Attention Retirees: Pensions & Benefits have advised us that the retroactive payments and retroactive salary adjustments are reportedly coming in August. We were originally informed that they were going to be processed in July, but there has been a delay and we were told that they can now be expected in August, 2011.
(5/17/2011) Push is on to Reform NJ Pensions by the End of June (Read More)
(5/17/2011) Gov. Christie Signs Bill Ending Early Release Program for Inmates (Read More)
(4/20/2011) NJ Senate President Warns Retirees May See Pension Payouts Cut Without Plan to Fix System (read more)
(4/19/2011) Senate Budget Hearing On NJ Early Release Program Focuses on Policy (read more)
(4/6/2011) Real Pension Information... It may ease the bull we hear on the news (read more)
(4/5/2011) State Treasury Says NJ Will Make 506m Payment to Pension Fund
(3/29/2011) Man Convicted of Strangling Newark Barber in Prison... Gets Life Sentence (read more)
(3/16/2011) NJ First Lady Mary Pat Christie Works to Help Ex-Offenders, Recovering Addicts (read more)
(3/15/2011) Gov. Chris Christie's Correction List to the NY Times Is As Big As He Is (read more)
(3/14/2011) Victim's Families Speak Out Against Early Release for Prisoners (read more)
(2/25/11) We have been receiving a lot of calls about Retirees being billed for Medical . We found that Retirees who fall into the category, that in order to receive free Medical into retirement, you were to enter into the Wellness Program. Even though you may have signed up and even had your physical, an error was made and numerous Retirees were placed on a non-compliance list. Therefore you are being billed for it.
This is an error and it is an easy fix, even though an inconvenience. You must contact Joyce Decker at the Department of Retirees Healthcare at (609) 633-9860. She will straighten out the matter for you. This is a direct line, so no waiting on hold for an hour.
(2/24/2011) State Capitol Rally - 3/3/2011
To all Brothers & Sisters,
There is a rally scheduled by the State PBA and State FMBA on Thursday, March 3, 2011 at 11:00am at the State House. We encourage your participation if you are RDO or you are working 3rd shift. With that being said, DO NOT use any sick, emergency A/L or any other accrued time to attend this rally. As you can see the larger unions are involving themselves in the fight that we have been fighting for the last 2 years. This is not a job demonstration or a blue flue, and I am not condoning that at this time. If you do attend, do not show up in uniform - Thank you ~ President, Jeff Smith
(2/24/2011) State House Rally - 2/25/2011 As you are aware, there is a rally to support Wisconsin organized labor at the state house on Friday, February 25th. We wish our brothers and sisters the best of luck as we have been in this fight for well over a year now. With that being said, I encourage you to attend if you are off that day. If you are not off that day, do not use any accrued time as we have more pressing issues coming towards us in the next year. If you are scheduled to work, report to work. The NJSOA will not be formally participating as we will be handling our issues through other channels at this time. Any questions, please contact President, Jeff Smith.(2-18-2011) "United We Stand" fundraiser... (See Attachment for details)
MEDCO Prescription Plan: If anyone is experiencing any problems with filling your prescriptions, please contact someone on the Executive Board and we will look into having it resolved. There has been mention that MEDCO may be trying to offer substitutes of generic brands on some medications.
(2-11-2011) Members of the NJSOA Executive Board attended a seminar entitled “ Public Employee Health Benefits in the State of New Jersey Today”. This event was hosted by Frank Crivelli, the attorney for the NJLESA. This seminar was very informative, and explored the past and present trends in the State Health Benefits Program, as well as the possible changes that the State Health Benefits Commission may implement as a result of the present fiscal crisis in N.J. Most significant was that the Commission can implement changes in Public Employee Health Benefits without seeking legislative action. Click here for the outline for this seminar.
(2/4/2011) "Earn Your Way Out" proposed Bill (A3703); Update: As previously stated, this bill was introduced on January 10, 2011 and was scheduled for a hearing yesterday, February 3, 2011 - it was determined by the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee's Chairperson, Gordon Johnson to hold the bill until further notice.
(1/28/2011) Fearless Chris Christie Lambastes 'Obscene" Police Union Contracts (Read More)
(1/26/2011) State Bankruptcy Bill Imminent, Gringich Says... (Read More)
(1/20/2011) NJ Judge Upholds Law Requiring Public Workers to Pay for Health Care (Read More)
(1/10/2011) California Republican Touts Legislation Banning Public Pension Bailouts (Read More)
(12/22/2010) Gov. Christie Signs Arbitration Bill into Law in Wayne, NJ (Read More)
(12/14/2010) NJ Assembly Approves Arbitration Reform Bill With 2% Pay Cap for Police, Firefighters (Read More)
(12/14/2010) Gov. Christie Announces Arbitration Reform Deal as part of Took Kit (Read More)
(12/14/2010) Letter from President, Jeff Smith regarding Christmas Day visits (Read More)
(12/7/2010) Town Hall Meeting Scheduled for Thursday, December 16th - RE: Contract (See Attached for Details)
(11/10/2010) Fundraiser Dinner to benefit Lt. Steve Alaimo and Sgt. Kevin Newsom (Read More for Details on this Event)
(11/2/2010) VOTE YES... this is the funding for the disability insurance, workman's compensation and unemployment. This will make it a constitutional amendment to make it dedicated funding and cannot be rated by the legislator or Governor for operating expenses. Please "Read More" and vote "YES".
(10/27/2010) NJ Assembly tables vote on measure to allow exceptions to proposed cap on public-employees' raises (Read More)
(10/26/2010) New Arbitration Bill (Read More)
(10/26/2010) Important Information to the Membership (Read Memo from President Jeff Smith)
(10/15/2010) Please be advised that effective in January, 2011, the Federal Government is discontinuing the offering of paper US savings bonds through payroll savings plans. Due to that change, as of December 18, 2010, the State will no longer withhold deductions from employees' paychecks for US savings bonds. Centralized payroll will place a message on the October 15, 2010 checks notifying of this change. The affected employees may have also been notified of the change by the US Treasury department.
(10/14/2010) Ex-convict Who Escaped Newark Halfway House is indicted for Florida's Man's Slaughter (Read More)
(10/12/2010) Attached is a copy of S-1132 from the Federal Government that has been sent to the President for his signature. He has indicated that he WILL sign it into law.
(9/24/2010) Please be advised that the State of New Jersey has mailed out the reimbursement checks. Therefore, please make sure that your Human Resources/Personnel office has your current mailing address (it is your mailing address of record that will be used when sending out these checks).
(9/20/2010) Personal Preference Days (Update): The issue with these days has been resolved. The only difference from last year is that you MUST work the holiday to get the Personal Preference Day.
(9/16/2010) Proposed NJ Public Employee Pensions & Benefits Changes (read more)
(9/15/2010) The Governor's Office has acknowledged an error detected in the retroactive back pay due as a result of our recently ratified collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with the State of New Jersey, i.e., taking 1.5% out for health benefits; and it is our understanding that full reimbursement will be forthcoming. On a related note, the Governor's Office (OER) is also looking into a possible overpayment of the NJ Family Leave deductions. This program started on 7/1/2009 but it appears that deductions were taken out from 7/1/2007 until 7/1/2009. We are pending confirmation on this.
(9/2/2010) Essential Employee Reminder (memo from OER 9/1/2010) that pertains to DOC's intention to treat all inclement weather situations like they did the snow days last winter. They are in the process of drafting a formal policy and it is the DOC's intention to implement this policy - click to read the memo from Director, Ken Green.
(8/26/2010) NJ Corrections to Overhaul Family Programs after Alleged Incident at Sex Offender Facility - read more:
(8/26/2010) South Jersey Inmate, 20, Dies in Apartment Beating - read more:
(8/25/2010) Ad Campaign for Privatization Awareness (Trentonian) - click to view ad!
(8/11/2010) Major Disciplinary Suspensions (Effective September 13, 2010) - read more:
(8/6/2010) Gang Stand-Off At Mexican Prison (read more):
(8/6/2010) Governor Christie Tackles State Pension (read more):
(8/6/2010) NJ May Not Make Pension Payments in Fiscal 2012, Says Christie (read more):
(8/5/2010) NJ Plans to Make $512 Million Pension Payment (read more):
2010 Executive Board Elections
Nominations for all positions on the Executive Board were held at the November 10, 2009 General Membership meeting. Only the position of Sergeant-at-Arms had more than one person nominated for it. The two nominees for Sergeant-at-Arms were incumbent Jack Fucili, and member Anthony Morichetti. The Election Committee conducted a secret ballot election through the USPS. The results of the election were that Jack Fucili will hold the position of Sergeant-at-Arms.
The entire Executive Board consists of the following Officers:
Jeffrey Smith, President Edward Sullivan, Executive Vice President Michael Mesi, Vice President Louis Hall, Treasurer Paul Peace, Secretary Jack Fucili, Sergeant-at-Arms
The current term of office runs from January 01, 2010 through December 31, 2011.
Thanks to the Election Committee for the time and resources they put into conducting the election, and thanks to everyone that took the time to participate.
State Fire Wardens Members of all the Boards met with representatives from the Fire Wardens at the Sgt.s office to discuss the possibility of the coming under our unions. There are many hurdles they must overcome before this can even be considered. We will be seeking Mario’s legal opinion on this topic and in the end it will be the membership’s decision to allow them entrance into our Association.
New Pension Rules The Division of Pensions has come out with new rules labeled “terms and Conditions of retirement.” We have serious concerns with a couple of the rules to include if you have a scheduled pension date and cancel the date the employer does not have to hold your position. Our Union Attorney will be addressing the issues with the State and the Division of Pensions.
New Disciplinary Forms As a result of recent changes with law enforcement disciplinary actions having to be resolved within 180 days, (for terminations) the Civil Service Commission has a new appeal form. All the institutions have them and we have issued copies to all the Representatives. Parole Prescription Drug Policy Parole recently put out a policy that mandates the release of medical and prescription drug information to non-medical and confidential employees when prescribed medication by their personal physician. This policy changes the condition of their employment. We have responded with our displeasure with this policy. Parole stated they met with the other unions and no one else had issues with this. We have serious problems with this and are seeking to meet with Parole. If we are not successful in securing a meeting we will seek legal actions to halt the policy. Since no response was given, a meeting has been scheduled with our Attorney on 10/20/09. Kean University Police Kean University has been attempting to abolish two Lt.s position. They have responded in writing that they may undertake an audit and possible re-organization. If the terms of employment for our members are altered in any way we will demand negotiations. Lt. Malinski will monitor the situation and keep the Board informed. Privatization Once again we are faced with the threats of privatization. Education and Health Centers of America has applied for approval to build a 150,000 square foot “treatment and correctional facility” for all levels of offenders. EHCA is run by John Clancy who already has thousands of beds in halfway houses. County PBA is spearheading this fight against building this “Private Prison” in Camden County.We have committed to assist them in any way we can. S-251 Safe Prisons Communication Act Senate Bill 251 would amend the Federal Communications Act of 1934, to allow states to request a waiver to allow the jamming of cell phone signals inside correctional facilities. This Association supports this legislation with hopes of it eventually passing into law. We also intend to lobby the State , once the law is passed , to implement cell phone jamming technology.
DOC Undue Familiarity Policy The DOC notified the unions that they intended to implement a policy addressing undue familiarity. None of the unions condone or promote fraternizing with inmates, but all have some concerns with some of the wording and overreaching rules included in the proposed policy. The Department met with all the unions to discuss their concerns. The Department has incorporated some of the requested changes and the draft has been sent back to all the unions for comment. At this point the policy will serve its intended purpose and still protect those employees that are unknowingly in violation. American Correctional Officer Partners-Up With Big Brothers and Big Sisters 
We are thrilled to announce this new American Correctional Officer initiative. As front line corrections professionals no one knows better the devastating consequences that effect our society as the prison population expands to over 2 million inmates. In an attempt to help in some small way to reverse that trend ACO announces its partnership with Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America. Please take a moment to review the recommended first steps in initiating the
Correctional Officer Big Brothers Big Sisters (COBBBS) Program in your organization: 1. Go to the following website: here 2. Enter the zip code of the area that would cover the largest portion of your membership. 3. Write down the local BBBS contact information listed for that area. 4. Call that local agency’s BBBS representative. 5. Explain ACO, COBBBS, and your organization. 6. Send us a note indicating your experiences with your local BBBS. COBBBS will only be successful with grassroots efforts. Please take the time to take these first, important steps. Thank you. Eric Spierer Eric Spierer, Director COBBBS/ACO Eddie Callaghan Eddie Callaghan, Director COBBBS/ACO Privatization Update The NJSOA established a Committee to research and address the ever-present issue of prison privatization. The Committee met prior to the June Membership meeting to discuss privatization and possible measures by which we could address it. Everyone on the Committee had ideas as to how we could proceed with plans to fight privatization. The Committee has spoken to several privatization experts from across the nation. As a result of the Committee's initial meetings, a "Privatization Fact Sheet" was prepared. The Committee is considering ways in which to get this information out. The Committee was also able to schedule Brian Dawe, Executive Director of the American Correction Officer, and former leader of CUSA, to come and speak to the membership at the July 8th membership meeting. Also attending was Vito Dagnello, President of the American Correction Officer. Both gave impassioned speeches regarding the perils of prison privatization. They both also made themselves available to speak with our Privatization Committee about various ideas on fighting privatization. We are still looking for members interested in serving on our Privatization Committee. So if you have ideas that could help us fight this serious attack on our career security, please let us know. We need some new blood and new ideas. Come on out and assist in the fight!